An Islamic portal covering a wide range of topics and issues relating to Islam. A great information site about Islam and Muslims. Also, a good reference for non-Muslims who are searching about Islam, Muslims, Prophet Muhammed(pbuh), other prophets (e.g. Jesus, Mousa) and religions (Christianity, Judaism, Buddism).Here we provide you with all information regarding Islam. We attempt to explain Islam in the light of the Qur’an and Sunnah from various aspects and by responding to criticisms and queries.
Any constructive criticism, errors or improvements albeit grammatical or spelling please consider informing us. I hope the format of any Arabic script comes through correctly. An appeal is also made to all scholars to review and make islaah (rectification) where necessary.
All articles published on site are compiled from various sources. Permission is granted to circulate among private individuals and groups, to post on Internet sites and to publish in full text and subject title in not-for-profit publications.
Note that an English translation of the Qur’an is an interpretation of the Qur’an, and does not have the perfect status as the Qur’an in its original Arabic form.
O Dear Almighty ALLAH! We ask you of filling our hearts with the true and immense love of your Beloved Habeeb Kareem Alaihi afDalus Salati wa at-Tasleem. Keep us alive on His Sunnah and bless us with the death on Iman in the Beloved City of your Beloved Prophet SallAllaho Alaihi wa Sallam and make our Cessation with Ahl al-Baqee’ ash-Sharif… Aameen!!