Abu Hurairah (ra) narrated that Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alaihi wasallam] said:- ” Whoever spends a pair two units of property (like spending two dinars or two camels) or two units of acts of worship (like praying two Rak‘ahs or fasting two days) in the cause of Allah will be called from the gates of Paradise and will be addressed ‘O slave of Allah… here is Prosperity!’
So whoever was among the people who used to offer their Prayers will be called from the Gate of the Prayer
and whoever was among the people who used to participate in Jihad will be called from the Gates of Jihad
and whoever was among those who used to observe Fasts would be called from the Gate of Ar-Rayyaan
and whoever was among those who used to give in Charity will be called from the Gate of Charity
Abu Bakr [Radhi Allaahu Anhu] said ‘Let my parents be sacrificed for you, Oh Allah’s Apostle! No distress or need will befall him who will be called from those gates… will there be anyone who will be called from all these gates?”
Prophet Muhammad [sallallaahu alaihi wasallam] replied “ Yes. And I hope you will be one of them.” [Source: Sahih al-Bukhari]
“In Paradise, there is a gate called Ar-Rayyaan, through which those who used to fast will enter on the Day of Resurrection, and no one but they will enter it. It will be said ‘Where are those who Fasted?’ They will get up, and none will enter it but them When they have entered, it will be locked, and no one else will enter.” [Source: al-Bukhaari, 1763; Muslim, 1947]