An African proverb says: When people start throwing stones at a tree, it means that the tree is bearing fruit. This is exactly what’s happening now to Muslims. A major Islamic reform movement is underway in the West. People here have looked at Muslims and said, “We thought they were going to put aside their religion and become assimilated.” But young Canadian and European Muslims are replying, “We are not ready to forget who we are to become who you want us to be.” Instead, they assert: “We are not the other, we are not against the other, we are ourselves and we want to be equal citizens.”
Third-generation Muslims — torn between Canadian society’s liberties and discriminations and their own parents’ traditionalist and spiritual stances — have sensed that to become genuine Canadian citizens, they seem to be expected to renounce their faith. The reality is that in the eyes of many of our fellow citizens, we are still the “other” — faithful to a foreign religion.
In this situation, one has two options: to victimize and isolate oneself or assert one’s otherness. What prevents us from becoming involved in our societies today is not legal frameworks. It is, far more, a matter of perception. Western society’s grim perception of Muslims today determines the way that people read the law and react to the presence of Muslims in their midst.
Muslim youth bear a great responsibility to change this reality. They can change such negative perceptions by knowing who they are, understanding where they are, and interacting with their fellow students, friends, and citizens.
In fact, perceptions are already changing. It’s going to be a long, slow process, but there’s no other way. Human history shows us that it takes time to change mentalities. Past immigrants have undergone the same experience: Each individual must take action at his or her local level, behaving with confidence, patience, and perseverance.
But evolution will also take education, a deep faith, and critical, creative thinking. These are the conditions for people to remain true to themselves and be truly free. There is no freedom without education; there is no dignity without freedom. This is what the Creator asks us to be: educated, dignified, and free.