in other words, what does the Qur’an demand of us?

The Qur’an makes five demands of every Muslim (Men or Women). Put in a simple language, these demands are as follows:

A Muslim is required:

  1. to believe in the Qur’an; (Belief in the Divine origin of the Qur’an and an attitude of reverence towards it)
  2. to read it; (Slow, thoughtful reading of the Qur’an with correct pronunciation)

  3. to understand it; (Recalling through the Qur’an the fundamental truths intuitively recognized by human nature, and reflecting on its meaning)

  4. to act upon its teachings; and (Molding the personal life of the individual and the collective life of the community according to the teaching of the Qur’an)

  5. to convey its message and teachings to others. (Propagation of the Quranic message and its exposition)

There is life opportunity to is an impassioned call to the Muslims “to return to the Qur’an,” to rededicate themselves to its study, and make it the sole guide for their lives. Considering the profound purpose behind the book,

Must read the prospectus attached for you to read and think, change your life, and find FALAH and the best life in this world and hereafter Insha Allah.