Performing Haj With Gifted Money
HAJ is not obligatory except for those who are able to perform it. This includes the physical and financial ability. But if a person is given a donation through a lawful channel, then it becomes his own property and he can use it for Hajj. This consequently means that a person can give some money as a gift to another so that he can use it to perform Hajj.
It is generally allowed for a Muslim to offer his brother a gift. It is moreover a commendable act. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: “Exchange presents so that you would exchange love.”
The only condition in this case, when someone pays for the Haj of another as a gift, is that it should be from lawful money. Actually, a sum taken as a gift is acquired through a lawful channel of earning, and thus there is nothing wrong with it, especially if the person who offered it is known for his honesty and trustworthiness. Therefore, a sister can give her brother the costs of Haj as a gift, in the same way, she can perform Haj on his behalf if he is physically unable to do it himself.
When Allah made Haj obligatory, He made the ability to afford it an essential condition for that obligation. Hence, Hajj is not an obligation except on those who can afford it. The exact ability to perform Hajj and to prepare oneself for it is not precisely dictated in the Shariah. What is really important is that such ability is acquired through lawful channels. So, as long as the financial ability is attained through lawful means, there is nothing in Shariah to prevent one from performing Haj from the donated money or the gifts that one receives. This applies whether the financial ability is obtained through work, donation, gift, or else. So, there is nothing wrong with performing Hajj with donated money.
Also, it is permissible to perform Haj, (obligatory or supererogatory) out of the money received as a prize, even if it is intended as some kind of support so that he can perform Haj with it. Hence, a prize or a donated sum transfers to the ownership of the recipient as soon as he or she is in possession of it, so he or she can use it as per his or her wishes.
The evidence of this is the incident of Barirah; she was given some meat in charity. Then she gave it as a gift to Aishah, the Mother of the Believers (may Allah be pleased with her). Aishah cooked the meat but did not present it to the Prophet (peace be upon him), thinking that the Prophet (PBUH) would not partake of it, as it was given in charity. But the Prophet (PBUH) said: “It is a charity on her part, but a present for us.” Then he ate from it.”