Small Words
Ar Rahman{the beneficent}
He whoever recites it 100 times after every namaaz will be free from a heavy heart.
Ar Raheem{the merciful}
He whoever recites it 100 times after every namaaz will be free from worldly calamities and people will be helpful towards him.
Al Malik{the sovereign lord}
He who recites this name regularly after morning prayers Allah will make him rich.
Al Quddus{the holy}
He who recites this name after zawal(noon) regularly, his heart will be free from anxiety.
As Salaam{the source of peace}
He who recites this name frequently will be free from calamities. recite this name 115 times to a sick person Allah will heal him.
Al Mumin{the guardian of faith}
During harm one who recites this name 630 times will be free from any harm and loss. he who recites this or keeps this name with him Allah will guard him.
Al Muhaymin{the protector}
He who takes bath,prays 2 rakaat nafil prayers and recites this name 100 times with sincere heart, Allah will purify his external and internal conditions. whosoever repeats this name 115 times will see hidden things.
Al Azeez{ the mighty}
he who recites this name 40* a day for 40 days, Allah will make him rich. he who recites this name 41* after morning prayers, by the grace of God, will be independent of need from others.
Al Jabbar{the compeller}
whosoever has this name printed on a silver ring will become famous and whoever repeats this name 226* daily will be free from enemies.
Al Mutakabbir{the majestic}Â
He who recites this name frequently at the start of any work, will achieve success and will be granted status and success.
Al Khaliq{the creator}
He who recites this name 100* daily for 7 continuous days will be free from all calamities, by the grace of Allah. one who recites this name regularly his face will always be shinning.
Al Bari{the evolver}
If a woman desires to give birth fasts for 7 days, does iftar with water, and recites ‘YA BARRIUL MUSSAWIRU’, 21* Allah will bless her with child.
Al Mussawiru{the fashioner}
If a woman desires to give birth fasts for 7 days, does iftar with water, and recites ‘YA BARRIUL MUSSAWIRU’, 21* Allah will bless her with child.
Al Ghaffar{the forgiver}
Whoever recites ‘YA GHAFFARU IGHFIRLI’ after asr namaaz will have his sins forgiven.
Al Qahhar{the subduer}
The who recites this name continuously the love of Allah will build in him and the love of the world will go away.
Al Wahhab{the bestower}
One who is suffering from poverty and starvation recites this name frequently or repeats it 40* in the last sajdah of naafil prayer, Allah will relive him of his poverty and starvation. If someone wants something, does sajdah 3* in the house or sahn of mosque,lifts his hands and repeats this name 100* his wants will b fulfilled by the grace of Allah.
Al Razzaq{the provider}
If one recites this name 10* before fajr prayers and breaths in all four corners of his house, the house will be free from disease and bankruptcy. the face should be towards QIBLA and start from the right corner.
Al Fattah{the opener}
After every morning prayers, folding the hands across the chest and repeating this name 70* brings light of faith to the heart.
Al Aleem{the all-knowing}
He who repeats this name regularly Allah will open the doors of knowledge and talent for him.
Al Qaabidh{the constructor}
He who recites this name on 4 pieces of bread and eats them for 40 consecutive days will be free from hunger, thirst, pains,wounds etc.
Al Baasit{the expander}
He who recites this name 10* after the nafil prayer with open hands and rubs his face with his hands , will be free of need from others.
Al Haafidh{the abaser}
Allah will fulfill the needs and keep away trouble from one who repeats this name 500* daily. one who fasts three days on the fourth day sits in a different place and recites this name 70* Allah will give him success.
Ar Raafi{the exalter}
Whosoever repeats this name 100*at midnight on the 14 night of every month, he will be needless of others riches and he will have a big heart.
Al Muizz{the honorer}
He who recites this name after maghrib namaaz on Friday or Monday, ALLAH will grant him dignity and respect.
Al Mudhil{the dishnonorer}
He who recites this name 75* and then does sajdah and does dua, Allah will protect him against enemies and those that are jealous of him.
As Saame{the all hearing}
He who repeats this name 500* , 100 or 50 * on Thursdays after daily prayers , by the grace of Allah his prayers will be accepted. one should not talk to any one while reciting this. he who repeats this 100* btw naafil and fardh prayers of fajr prayers will have good vision.
Al Basser{the all seeing}
He who repeats this name 100* after Friday prayers, Allah will enlighten his heart and his face will brighten.
Al Hakam{the judge}
He who repeats this name 99 times at the end of the night having done ablution his heart will brighten. whosoever recites this name repeatedly on Friday night will be guided by spirits and will be able to read others mind.
Al Wadud{the loving}
Repeating this name 1000* over food and eating that food with the wife will change the quarreling and disagreement into love.
Al Majeed{the most glorious}
If someone with a chronic disease fasts on the 13, 14 and 15 and at iftar recites this name on water and drinks it, he will be cured by the grace of Allah.
Al Ba’ith{the resurrector}
He who, before sleeping, keeps his hands on his chest and recites this 101* daily, his heart will be full of knowledge and wisdom.
Ash Shaheed{the witness}
He who has a disobedient wife/children repeats this name 21* everyday in the morning with his hand on his forehead, by the grace of Allah they will become obedient.
Al Haqq{the truthful}
Write this name on the four corners of a square piece of paper and early in the morning put this paper on your palm and raise it towards the sky and recite dua, someone or something will be found unharmed.
Al Wakeel{the trustee}
He who recites this name continuously before a natural calamity, Allah will protect against such a calamity or disaster.
Al Mateen{the firm}
Write this name on a piece of paper , wash it with water and give the water to a woman who does not produce milk. by the grace of Allah, she will produce milk.
Al Qawi{the most strong}
He who is really troubled and weak and recites this name with the sole intention of breaking the stronger opponent’s power will be protected against him. (this should not be used in a wrong way)
Al Wali{the protecting friend}
He who is not happy with the habits of his wife and recites this name when in front of her, she will have good habits.
Al Hameed{the praiseworthy}
He who repeats this name 93 times daily for 45 continuous days, his bad habits will go away.
Al Muhsi{the reckoner}
He who repeats this name 20* on 20 pieces of bread and eats them daily, people will get benefit from him.
Al Mubdi{the originator}
if you keep your hand on the stomach of a pregnant woman and recites this 99* times neither will she miscarry nor she will deliver before time.
Al Mueed{the restorer}
if someone is lost, after everyone is asleep n the house, recite this 70*. he will return within 7 days or his whereabout will be known.
Al Muhyi{the giver of life}
If a sick person recites this name regularly he will be cured. he who repeats this name 80* on himself will be free from financial and other problems.
Al Mumeet{the taker of life}
He who doesn’t have control over his soul and goes to sleep while reciting this name (hands should be on the chest) the soul will become controllable by the grace of Allah.
Al Hayy{the alive}
He who recites this name 3000* daily will be free from all disease. if a sick person writes this name on a certain container using MUSK and rose and then drinks water in that container will be cured.
Al Qayyum{the self-subsisting}
One who recites this name frequently will gain respect. he who recites this name in loneliness will gain happiness.
Al Wajid{the finder}
He who repeats this name while eating the food will make the heart become strong and shiny.
Al Maajid{the noble}
He who repeats this name in privacy and sincerely, his heart will be enlightened.
Al Waahidul-ahad{the unique and one}
He who does not have children and keeps this name on him will be blessed with children.
Al Ahad{the unique and one}
He who doesn’t have children and keeps this name on him will be blessed with children.
As Samad{the eternal}
He who repeats this name 125* while in sajdah at sahr will gain inner and outer truth. he who does not ablution and recites this name will not depend on others.
Al Qaadir{the able}
If a person who has enemies prays 2 rakaats nafil, he will make his enemies weak. if a problem arises, recite it 41* and it will be solved by the grace of Allah.
Al Muqtadir{the powerful}
He who recites this name continuously or 20* upon waking up , all this work will become easy.
Al Muqaddim{the expeditor}
He who recites this name continuously on a battlefield will be free from harm.
Al Mu’akhhir{the delayer}
He who repeats this name 100* daily without fail will feel nearness to ALLAH such that without it he will feel restless. he who repeats this name regularly, will have his sins forgiven if he repents.
Al Awwal{the first}
If a childless person repeats this name 40* daily for 40 days, by the grace of Allah will be blessed with a child.
Al Aakhir{the last}
He who recites this name 100* daily non godly love will be removed from his heart and he will have a good death.
Az-Zahir {the manifest}
He who repeats this name 500* daily after ishaa prayers his eyes will be bright and his heart will be enlightened.
Al Adl{the just}
If u write this name on 20 pieces of bread and eat it on Friday night or day people will obey you.
Al Waali{the governor}
He who recites this name regularly will be free from unseen calamities. he who writes this name in a clean bowl, fills it with water and sprinkles it around the house his house will be free from trouble.
Al Muta-aali{the most exalted}
All problems are solved by reciting this name continuously.
Al Baarr{the source of all goodness}
If a drunkard recites this name 7* daily without fail, his habits of drinking and sinning will slowly go away. if this name is repeated 7 times on a new born baby and it is given unto Allah the baby will be free from calamities until youth.
Al Tawwab{the acceptor of repentance}
Whosoever recites this name regularly and continuously, all his work will be made easy.
Al Muntaqim{the avenger}
If someone weak recites this name for 3 Fridays, Allah will himself deal with his enemies.
Al Afuwu{the pardoner}
He who recites this name regularly will be forgiven of all his sins.
Ar Rauf{the compassionate}
He who repeats this people will be helpful to him and vice versa. reciting durud sharif 10* and this name 10* makes anger go away.
Maalik Ul Mulk{the eternal owner of sovereignty}
He who always recites this will become rich and will not be dependent on others.
Dhul Jalal Wal Ikram{the lord of majesty and bounty}
He who repeats this name will attain respect and status.
Al Muqsit{the equitable}
He who recites this name 700* for a specific purpose that purpose will be fulfilled. he who repeats it daily will be free from devilish worries.
Al Jaam’e{the gatherer}
He whose family has broken up should raise his hands towards the sky and repeat it 10* and close one finger then recite another 10* and close another finger and continue reciting until all fingers are closed. he should then rub his hands over the face. the family will become together with the grace of ALLAH.
Al Ghani{the self-sufficient}
He who recites this name 70* daily will be contented not covetous and will be free from need of others.
Al Mughni{the enricher}
He who recites durood Shareef 11* before and after in between this name. 111* after morning or isha prayers will have internal and external richness.
Al Maani{the preventor}
If there is quarreling between husband and wife reciting this 20* while going to bed will change into love. he who repeats this name will be free from evil.
Adh Dhaar{the distresser}
He who repeats this name 100* on Friday night will be free from all calamities, the seen and the unseen.
An Naafi{the propitious}
He who repeats this name 41* before any action will be successful. A traveler who recites this name will be free from accidents.
An Noor{the light}
He who recites SURAH NOOR 7* and this name 100* on Thursday night, his heart will be enlightened.
Al Haadi{the guide}
He who raises his hands and face towards the sky repeats this name and then rubs his hands on his face will gain full HIDAYATÂ and he will be referred to
Al Badee{the incomparable}
If one performs wudhu and goes to sleep reciting this name, whatever work he is thinking of will come in his dreams.
Al Baaqi{the everlasting}
He who repeats this name 1000* on Friday nights will be free from danger and all good deeds will be accepted.
Al Waarith{the supreme inheritor}
He who repeats this name 100* at sunrise will be guarded against. quarrels and he who repeats it 1000* between maghrib and isha prayers will be free from all trouble.
Ar Rasheed{the guide to the right path}
He who repeats this name 1000* daily will be free from trouble and will do good business. he who has trouble with his work recites this between maghrib and ishah. the solution will either come in a dream o the heart will give it. he who recites this name daily will be free from problems and will be blessed in business.
As Sabur{the patient}
He who recites this name 100* before sunrise will be guarded against calamities on that day and the mouths of enemies and jealous people will remain shut. he who is in trouble and repeats this name 1020* will be relieved of the suffering.