Virtues Of Reciting The Holy Quran, And It’s Surahs And Verses
From Al Hisnul Haseen
By Allama Muhammad ibn Muhammad Al Jazari Ash Shafeee
The Holy Quran should be recited daily. Here under is mentioned some Ahadeeth with regards the excellence of reciting the Holy Quran:
Recite the Holy Quran for It will come as an intercessor for its reciter on the Day of Judgement.
Allah Taala says: If anyone finds no time for My remembrance and for begging My favors due to remaining engaged in the recitation of the Quran, I shall give him more than what I give to all those who beg favors of Me. The superiority of the Word of Allah over all other words is like the superiority of Allah over the entire creation.
Learn the Quran and recite it, because the example of one who learns the Quran, reads it and recites it in Tahajjud is like an open bag full of musk whose fragrance permeates the entire place. And the person who has learnt the Quran but sleeps while the Quran is in the heart is like a bag full of musk but with its mouth closed.
Whoever recites one letter of the Book of Allah, for him and one blessing is equal to tenfold the like thereof in its reward. I do not say that Alif Laam Meem is one letter, but Alif is one letter, Laam is one letter and Meem is one letter.
Envy is not permitted except in respect of two persons one whom Allah blesses with the recitation of the Quran and he remains engaged in it day and night, and the other is one who given abundance of wealth by Allah and he spends it (in Allahs path) day and night.
It will be said to the reciter of the Quran (on the Day of Qiyaamah): Go on reciting the Quran and continue ascending the stages of Jannah; and recite it in the slow manner as you had been reciting it in the worldly life: your final abode will be where you reach at the time of the last aayah of your recitation.
One who recites the Quran and he is well versed in it (i.e. its recitation), he will be in the company of those angels who are scribes, noble and righteous; and one who falters in its recitation and has to exert himself, gets a double reward.
The Excellence Of Surah Fatihah
Some Ahadeeth pertaining to the excellence of Surah Faatihah:
Surah Faatihah is the greatest and most virtuous Surah of the Quran; it consists of the Saba mathaani (seven verses which are repeatedly recited) and it (Surah Fatihah) represent the Grand Quran.
I have been given the Faatihatul Kitaab (Opening Verses) from the treasures beneath the Throne.
Once while Jibreel (AS) was seated with Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim), he suddenly heard from above, a sound of (something) cracking. He lifted his head and said: This is an angel descending to the earth and never (before this did he descend but this day. This angel greeted and said: Be pleased with two (sources of) noor which no other Nabi before you had been given: Fatihatul Kitab and the Khawateem (Closing Two Verses) of Surah Baqarah; you will not recite even one letter of these without being given a reward for it.
The Excellence Of Surah Baqarah
The Shaytaan runs away from the house wherein Surah Baqarah is recited.
Recite Surah Baqarah for its recitation is a source of blessings and its forsaking is a source of regret and only useless people are unable to recite it.
Everything has a hump and the hump of the Quran is Surah Baqarah.
One who recites Surah Baqarah at night, the Shaytaan will not visit his home for three nights; and anyone who recites it in the day, the Shaytaan will not visit his home for three days.
I have been given the Surah Baqarah from the Lawhim Mahfoozh (in particular).
The Excellence Of Surah Baqarah And Aale Imraan
Recite the two glittering lustres Baqarah and Aale lmraan; for these two will come on the Day of Qiyaamah as if they are two clouds or shelters or two rows of a flock of birds: they will quarrel (with Allah) to have their reciter forgiven.
The Excellence Of Aayatul Kursi
Aayatul Kursi is the greatest verse of the Quran.
It is the leader of the verses of the Holy Quran.
If Aayatul Kursi is recited and blown on ones belongings or children or it is written and (the written copy) placed among ones belongings or hung (as a taweez) around the neck of ones children, the Shaytaan will not dare to come even near such belongings and the children.
The Excellence Of Last Two Verses Of Surah Baqarah
Reciting from Aamanar Rasoolu till the end of the Surah will prevent the Shaytaan from coming even near ones house.
Allah has completed the Surah Baqarah with such two verses that these have been given to me from the treasures kept beneath the Throne: so learn them and teach them to your wives and children for they are a source of mercy, a form of recitation and prayers.
The Excellence Of Surah Anaam
It is mentioned In the Hadeeth that when the Surah Anaam was revealed, Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said Alhamdulillah. And then he said: By Allah, so many angels came to convey this Surah that the corners of the heavens became covered with their great numbers.
The Excellence Of Surah Kahf
Whoever recites it on the eve of Jumuah, it will provide a noor for him from one Jumuah till the following Jumuah.
Whoever recites it on the day of Jumuah, it will provide a noor for him from one Jumuah till the following Jumuah.
Anyone who recites Suratul Kahf on the eve of Jumuah, it will provide a light (noor) for him from where he is till the Baitul Ateeq.
Whoever recites Suratul Kahf exactly as it was revealed, it wilt provide a tight (noor) for him from where he is till the Makkah.
Whoever recites the last ten verses of Suratul Kahf, and if Dajjaal happens to reveal himself (during the reciters life time), he will have no influence on him (the reciter).
Whoever continues to recite Suratul Kahf, it will provide a noor for him from where he is stationed till Makkah on the Day of Qiyaamah.
Whoever recites the last ten verses of Suratul Kahf, and if Dajjaal happens to reveal himself (during the reciters Life time), he will not be able to harm him at all.
Whoever commits to memory the first ten verses of Suratul Kahf, he will be safeguarded against the crisis of Dajjal According to one riwayah the words whoever commits to memory ten verses have been mentioned. According to another the words last ten verses is mentioned. According to one riwayah the words first three verses is also mentioned
Whoever sees Dajjaal, he should recite before him the opening ten verses of Surah Kahf for, and (according to one riwaayah) these verses afford the reciter safety and protection against the fitnah of Dajjaal.
The Excellence Of Surah Taw Haa Seen And Haa Meem
Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) is reported to have said: I have been given Taw Haa, Taw seen and Haa Meem from the scrolls of Moosa (AS).
The Excellence Of Surah Yaseen
Recite Surah Yaseen (morning and evening) especially when in the presence of someone in his dying moments or after he has died, for it is mentioned in the Hadeeth that Surah Yaseen is the heart of the Quran and anyone who recites it for the pleasure of Allah and for the (reward of) the hereafter, Allah Will forgive him; and (also) read it in the presence of a dying person.
(Tawaaseen are those Surahs which begin with Taa Seen and Haa Meem are those which begin with Haa Meem)
The Excellence Of Surah Fath
Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said that Surah Fath is most beloved to him from among all the things upon which the sun rises.
The Excellence Of Surah Mulk
According to the Hadeeth Tabaarak/Mulk consists of thirty verses: it intercedes on behalf of its reciter until Allah forgives him.
According to one Hadeeth Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said: It is my desire that Suratul Mulk should be in the heart of every Mumin.
According to one Hadeeth when punishment is meted out to a person in the grave from the legs, they (the legs) say: you may not punish him for he used to recite Suratul Mulk through me (i.e. by standing in Salaah and reciting it); then when punishment is meted out to him through his chest, stomach and head each them say: you may not punish him for he used to recite Suratul Mulk through me. Hence this Surah saves him from the punishment of the grave. The virtue of this Surah is mentioned in the Tauraah as well. Anyone who recites it in the night, he has accomplished a great deal and he has excelled.
The Excellence Of Surah Zilzaal
According to one Hadeeth this Surah is equivalent to a quarter of the Quran and according to another, it is equivalent to half of the Quran.
According to one Hadeeth a Sahabi (RA) asked Rasoolullah
(Sallallahu-alayhi wasallam): 0 Messenger of Allah, show me (concise) Surah of the Quran which is comprehensive and which I may recite with constancy Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) mentioned Surah Zilzaal The Sahabi (RA) said:
By Him who has sent you as a Rasool, I will never recite much more than this Saying this, he departed. Upon this Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said twice This poor person has attained salvation This poor person has attained salvation
The Excellence Of Suratul Kaafiroon
According to a Hadeeth, Suratul Kaafiroon is equivalent to a quarter of the Quran and according to another; its reward is equivalent to a quarter of the Quran.
The Excellence Of Suratul Kaafiroon And Suratul Ikhlaas When Recited Jointly
According to the Hadeeth, there are two Surahs which are excellent, and which are recited in the two Rakaat (Sunnah) before (the Fardh of) Fajr: Kaafiroon and lkhlaas.
The Excellence Of Surah Nasr
According to the Hadeeth, Suratun Nasr is (equivalent to) a quarter of the Quran.
The Excellence Of Suratul Ikhlaas
According to the Hadeeth, Suratul lkhlaas is (equivalent to) a third of the Quran. And according to one hadeeth its reward is equal to a third of the Quran.
Regarding a certain Sahabi (RA) who was an lmaam and he used to recite (mostly) Qul Huw Allahu Ahad, Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said Tell him that Allah loves him
It is mentioned in one Hadeeth that a certain Sahabi always used to recite Suratul Ikhlaas together with other Surahs in every rakah he used to perform. On being asked the reason, he replied that he loved this Surah very much. Upon this, Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said The love for this Surah will admit you into Jannah.
According to a Hadeeth when Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) heard a Sahabi (RA) reciting this Surah (with sincerity), he said: Jannah is a must for this person.
According to a Hadeeth Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said swear by the One in whose hands lie my life that Surah lkhlaas is equivalent to a third of the Quran.
According to a Hadeeth Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said: Anyone who lies down on the bed with intent to sleep, and while lying on his right side recites Qul Huw Allahu Ahad a hundred times, then on the Day of Qiyaamah, The Sustainer will say: My servant, proceed into Jannah on your right side.
The Excellence Of Suratul Falaq And Suratul Naas
It is mentioned in the Hadith that Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) said to Uqbah bin Aamir (RA): Should I not teach you two Surahs which are beautiful in recitation? Then he taught him the above two Surahs. Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) then advised him to continue reciting them for he would never read any Surahs that are parallel (in beauty and excellence) to these two.
According to one Hadeeth Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) used to invoke Allahs protection against the mischief of Jinn and the evil gaze (nazr) of men, (using various words) until Allah Taala revealed these two Muaw-wazatain on him. So he held firmly to these and discarded all others.
According to one Hadeeth no one ever begged (of Allah) with the likeness of these Surahs and no one ever sought refuge (in Allah) with the likeness of these Surahs. According to one riwaayah recite these two Surahs when you go to sleep and when you wake up.
Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) is reported to have said:
Recite Qul Aoozu birabbil falaq, for you are unable to recite any other Surah which is very much loved and speedily accepted by Allah as this Surah. Thus, as far as you can help it, do not forsake it. According to a different riwaayah of the same Hadeeth, the following words appear: You are unable to recite anything that reaches Allah so speedily as does Qul Aoozu birabbil falaq.
Rasoolullah (Sall Allahu alaihi wa Aalihi wa Sallim) is reported to have said:
Havent you seen the (beautiful and strange) verses which were revealed during the night? You will not find their like at all. They are Qul Aoozu birabbil falaq and Qul Aoozu birabbin naas