Greeting And Salutations To The Holy Prophet Muhammed Sallaahu Alaihi wassallam
The Holy Prophet’s (sallalaahu alaihi wasallams) Command to the Muslims to send him Darood and salaam on Friday
Invoke blessings on me abundantly on the day of Jum‘ah (Friday). Verily it is attended and the angels attend it, and none invokes blessings on me but his supplication is presented to me till he finishes it.
The narrator, Abu Darda Radiallahu taala anhu , asked:
(Is it also compulsory for us) even after your demise?
The Holy Prophet sallalaahu alaihi wasallam replied:
And even after my demise because Allah has forbidden the earth to eat up the bodies of the Prophets. Therefore, a Prophet of Allah is alive (and) is granted provisions (from Heaven).
Ibn Majah, Sunan, b. of jana’iz (funerals) ch. 65 (1: 524 # 1637).
The Blessings(Salaams) are received by the Holy Prophet Muhammed sallalaahu alaihi wasallam wherever you may be
Invoke blessings on me, since blessings invoked by you are conveyed to me wherever you may be
Abu Dawood, Sunan, b. of manasik (rituals of hajj) (2: 218 # 2042); ‘Ali bin Abu Bakr Haythami, Majma‘-uz-zawa’id, 2: 247.
The Holy Prophet Muhammed (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) also listens to the voice directly of the people sending him the salaams
Different traditions reveal that the Prophet( sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) himself directly listens to those who invoke blessings on him irrespective of their nearness and remoteness.
As Abu Darda’ narrated Allah’s Messenger (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) said:
Invoke blessings on me abundantly on Friday. Verily it is an attended day and the angels attend. Whoever invokes blessings on me, his voice reaches me regardless of the distance. We asked, “Even after your demise?” The Prophet (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) replied, “(Yes), even after my demise because Allah made unlawful for the earth to eat up the bodies of the Prophets.”
Yousuf bin Isma‘il Nabhani, Hujjatullahi ‘alal-‘alameen, p.713.
This hadith reveals the vastness of the Prophet’s sense of hearing. in the phrase “his voice reaches me regardless of the distance”
On another occasion, the Prophet (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) was asked about those who invoke blessings on him from far and wide. The Prophet (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) replied:
I listen to the blessings of my lovers and know them.
Muhammad Mahdi, Matali‘-ul-masarrat, p.81.
It is revealed that the Prophet (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) knows his lovers and listens to them.
Once he said to his companions about Hadrat ‘Isa (Alaihis salaam) that he will return to this world. Then Hadrat Eisa (Alaihis salaam) will visit Madinah and the Prophet (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) said:And when he (‘Isa) will stand beside my grave calling: “O Muhammad!” I will respond to him.(sallalaahu alaihi wasallam)
Ibn Hajar ‘Asqalani, al-Matalib-ul-‘aliyah, (4: 23 # 3853).
The Holy Prophet Muhammed (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) answers the greetings
Abu Hurayrah (Radiallahu taala anhu) reported the Prophet (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) said:
There is no Muslim in the east and the west who salutes me, but I and the angels of my Lord answer him.
Abu Nu‘aym Asbahani, Hilyat-ul-awliya’ wa tabaqat-ul-asfiya’, 6: 349.
Taqiyy-ud-Din Subki says about the mentioned traditions in the following words:
The aforesaid sayings of the Prophet Muhammed (sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) substantiate that the Prophet’s soul has been returned to him. Certainly, he listens to the salutations and responds in return.
Taqiyy-ud-Din Subki ‘Ali, Shifa’-us-siqam fi ziyart khayr-il-anam, p.133.
[Extracted from Tahir Ul Qadri’s Book, Greeting and Salutations on the Holy Prophet(sallalaahu alaihi wasallam) ]
Allah Hafiz