Moral Excellence And Benevolence Of The Heart In Islam
Allah likes those who perfect their illustrious toils and turn their thoughts on moral excellence and benevolence.
[Allah’s Quran – 3:134 – Amatul Rahman Omar] “Those who spend (in the cause of Allah) in prosperity and adversity and those who suppress anger and pardon (the offenses of) the people. And Allah loves such doers of good to others”
The Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him) has said “The best of the deeds are love and hate for the sake of ALLAH, The Exalted.”
[Sunan Abu Dawud, Book #40, Hadith #4664 ] “Narrated Abu Umamah: The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: If anyone loves for Allah’s sake, hates for Allah’s sake, gives for Allah’s sake and withholds for Allah’s sake, he will have perfect faith.
[Bukhari, Book #2, Hadith #20] “Narrated Anas: The Prophet said, “Whoever possesses the following three qualities will taste the sweetness of faith:
1. The one to whom Allah and His Apostle become dearer than anything else.
2. Who loves a person and he loves him only for Allah’s sake.
3. Who hates to revert to disbelief (Atheism) after Allah has brought (saved) him out from it, as he hates to be thrown in the fire.”
[Muslim, Book #001, Hadith #0138 ] “Al-Bara reported it from the Apostle (may peace and blessing be upon him) that he observed with regard to the Ansar, None but the believer loves them, none but the hypocrite hates them. He who loved them loved Allah and he who hated them hated Allah. I (the narrator) said: Did you hear this hadith from al-Bara’? He said: To me, he narrated it.