The Bath (Ghusl)
The major Uncleanliness (Najaasat-eHukmiyaah i.e. Hadas-e-Akbar and Janabat) can only be removed from the body by washing the entire body (bath) as known as (ghusl).
Three kinds of ghusl:
- Obligatory (Fard)
- Sunnah
- Desirable (Mustahab)
Fard Ghusl (Ghusl has to be done in these circumstances):
- Discharge of semen in any circumstances
- Sexual intercourse
- Menses (Hajdh)
- Blood discharge after childbirth (Nifaas)
In-state of janaabat the following actions are prohibited
- Salaat (Prayers of any type)
- Touching the Holy Quran
- Reciting the Holy Quran
- To enter a Masjid (mosque)
- To make Tawaaf of Ka’bah
Method Of Ghusl:
- Wash hands up to the wrists.
- Clean the private parts also known as Istinja and remove the major Uncleanliness, if any, from the body.
Perform Ablution (Wudu). - Pour some water and rub the whole body. Pour water again over the whole body, three times. Then rinse the mouth and sniff water into the nostrils.
Faraid Of Ghusl:
- Rinsing the mouth.
- Sniffing water into the nostrils.
- Pouring water over the whole body so no single part of the body remained dry including hairs.
Sunnan Of Ghusl:
- Washing both hands up to the wrists.
- Washing the private parts and such areas which are not clean.
- Having the intention (Niyah) to remove the uncleanliness.
- Pouring the water thrice, on the whole body.