There Is No Compulsion In The Religion
There is no compulsion in the religion; Rectitude(righteousness) has become clear from Perversion (falsification); So whoso disbelieves in idols and believes in God (Allah), has laid hold of the most firm handle, which can’t break, and God (Allah) is Hearing, Knowing. God (Allah) is the friend of those who believes; He brings them forth from darkness to light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are idols who bring them forth from light to darkness; those are the people of the Fire; they shall dwell therein forever.
(AlQuran – Surat AlBaqarah ? Verse # 256-257)
So, My dear students, see how clearly Allah Almighty has told us that there is no Compulsion in religion. But at the same time, it is also told that Rectitude (righteousness) has become clear from Perversion (falsification). So it is very much obvious that the right to choose the Path either Right or Wrong is in Our Own hands, although if Allah Almighty wants to force the Right Path on us it is 100% in His hands. But if so, the Spirit of making this World and Billions of Lives must have died.
So, the thing is that We must Find the Right path for us and also help others in finding the one (remember not to force it only to guide others Islamically as there is no Compulsion in the religion ).
While doing all this don’t forget that:
God (Allah) is the friend of those who believes; He brings them forth from darkness to light. And those who disbelieve, their friends are idols who bring them forth from light to darkness;
Also, don’t forget to Pray this from Allah to help us in finding it The Lord of the World, Thee we serve, and to Thee, we pray for help. Guide us to the Straight Path, the path of those whom Thou hast blessed, not of those who incurred wrath, nor of the astray. Amen