1. Striving to gain that which gives and strengthens Khushoo.
  2. Preparing oneself properly for Prayer.
  3. Moving at a measured pace during Salah
  4. Remembering death while praying
  5. Thinking about the Aayath and Adhkaar being recited during Salah and interacting with them.
  6. Pausing at the end of each Aayah.
  7. Reciting in a slow, rhythmic tone (Tarteel) and making one’s voice beautiful while reciting.
  8. Knowing that Allah responds to Salah
  9. Praying with a barrier (sutrah) in front of one and praying close to it.
  10. Looking at the place of prostration.
  11. Varying the Surahs, Ayahs, Adhkaars, and Duas recited in Salah.
  12. Performing Sujood al Tilawah when reciting an ayah where this is required.
  13. Seeking refuge with Allah from the Shaytaan.
  14. Thinking of how the Salaf were when they performed Salah.
  15. Striving to offer duas at the appropriate times during Salah, especially in Sujood.
  16. Adhkaar is to be recited after prayer.
  17. Removing anything that may distract the worshipper.
  18. Not praying in a garment that has decorations, writings, or pictures that will distract the worshipper.
  19. Not praying when food is prepared when one wants to eat.
  20. Not praying when one needs to answer the call of nature.
  21. Not praying when one feels sleepy.
  22. Not praying behind someone who is talking or sleeping.
  23. Not occupying oneself with smoothing the ground in front of one.
  24. The Prophet (SAW) said: Do not wipe the (ground) when you are praying, but if you have to do then do it only once. (Abu Dawud:946)
  25. Not disturbing others with one’s recitation.
  26. Not turning around during prayer.
  27. Not raising one’s gaze to the heavens.
  28. Not spitting in front of one when in Salah.
  29. Trying not to yawn when in Salah.
  30. Not putting one’s hands on one’s hips when in Salah.
  31. Not letting one’s clothes hang down (Sadl) during Salah.
  32. Not rembling like animals in Salah.