Develop Khushoo In Salah
- Striving to gain that which gives and strengthens Khushoo.
- Preparing oneself properly for Prayer.
- Moving at a measured pace during Salah
- Remembering death while praying
- Thinking about the Aayath and Adhkaar being recited during Salah and interacting with them.
- Pausing at the end of each Aayah.
- Reciting in a slow, rhythmic tone (Tarteel) and making one’s voice beautiful while reciting.
- Knowing that Allah responds to Salah
- Praying with a barrier (sutrah) in front of one and praying close to it.
- Looking at the place of prostration.
- Varying the Surahs, Ayahs, Adhkaars, and Duas recited in Salah.
- Performing Sujood al Tilawah when reciting an ayah where this is required.
- Seeking refuge with Allah from the Shaytaan.
- Thinking of how the Salaf were when they performed Salah.
- Striving to offer duas at the appropriate times during Salah, especially in Sujood.
- Adhkaar is to be recited after prayer.
- Removing anything that may distract the worshipper.
- Not praying in a garment that has decorations, writings, or pictures that will distract the worshipper.
- Not praying when food is prepared when one wants to eat.
- Not praying when one needs to answer the call of nature.
- Not praying when one feels sleepy.
- Not praying behind someone who is talking or sleeping.
- Not occupying oneself with smoothing the ground in front of one.
- The Prophet (SAW) said: Do not wipe the (ground) when you are praying, but if you have to do then do it only once. (Abu Dawud:946)
- Not disturbing others with one’s recitation.
- Not turning around during prayer.
- Not raising one’s gaze to the heavens.
- Not spitting in front of one when in Salah.
- Trying not to yawn when in Salah.
- Not putting one’s hands on one’s hips when in Salah.
- Not letting one’s clothes hang down (Sadl) during Salah.
- Not rembling like animals in Salah.