Who Sent Quran?

And this is not the attribute of this Quran, that anyone might fabricate it without being sent down by Allah, Yes it is a confirmation of the former Books and is the detailed explanation of what is written in the Table, there is no doubt in it, it is from the Lord of the worlds. [10:37]

Then do they not ponder in Quran and if it had been from other than Allah, then they would surely have found therein much discrepancy? [4:82]

On Whom Quran Is Descended?

Indeed, it is We who have sent down to you, [O Muhammad], the Qur’an progressively. [76:23]

We relate to you the best narration, in that We revealed to you this Quran, though no doubt, you had no knowledge before.[12:3]

And likewise, We revealed to you a Quran in Arabic so that you may warn thereby the mother of all towns the Meccans and those who live around it and you may warn them of a Day of Assembly wherein there is no doubt. A party is in paradise and a party is in the blaze. [42:7]

Say you, ‘Whose evidence is the greatest? Say you, ‘Allah is witness between you and me this Quran has been revealed to me so that with it may warn you and whomsoever it reaches.’ Then do you give this evidence that besides Allah there are other gods? Say you ‘I do not give this evidence. ‘Say you, ‘He is the only one to be worshiped and I am quit of all those, you associate with Him’.[6:19]

For Whom Quran Is Descended?

This is a Book whose verses have been fully explained, an Arabic Quran for a people of understanding.[41:3]

We are knowing well what they are saying and you are not a tyrant over them, therefore admonish by Quran him who fears My threat. [50:45]

When Quran Is Descended?

The month of Ramzan in which the Quran was sent down, the direction for the people and guidance and clear signs of judgment; that whoso of you finds this month, necessarily, he should fast in it, and whoso is ill or on a journey then same number of fasting in other days; Allah desires facility for you and desires not hardship and for this, that you should complete the counting and speak of the Greatness of Allah, as He guided you and so that you may be grateful. [2:185]

Why Quran Is Descended?

Say you, ‘Whose evidence is the greatest? Say you, ‘Allah is witness between you and me this Quran has been revealed to me so that with it may warn you and whomsoever it reaches.’ Then do you give this evidence that besides Allah there are other gods? Say you ‘I do not give this evidence. ‘Say you, ‘He is the only one to be worshiped and I am quit of all those, you associate with Him’.[6:19]

No doubt, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you may understand.[12:2]

‘O, beloved! We sent not this Quran upon you that you may be put to trouble.[20:2]

And We have not taught him to compose verses and nor it is befitting to his dignity. It is not but admonition and luminous Quran.[36:69]

We relate to you the best narration, in that We revealed to you this Quran, though no doubt, you had no knowledge before. [12:3]

And likewise, We revealed to you a Quran in Arabic so that you may warn thereby the mother of all towns the Meccans and those who live around it and you may warn them of a Day of Assembly wherein there is no doubt. A party is in paradise and a party is in the blaze. [42:7]

And We sent down Quran in pieces so that you may read it to mankind at intervals and We sent it down gradually bit by bit.[17:106]

No doubt, this Quran shows that path which is straightest and gives good tidings to the believers who do good deeds that they shall have a great reward.[17:9]

And this is not the attribute of this Quran, that anyone might fabricate it without being sent down by Allah, Yes it is a confirmation of the former Books and is the detailed explanation of what is written in the Table, there is no doubt in it, it is from the Lord of the worlds.[10:37]

If We had sent down this Quran upon any mountain, you would certainly have seen it humbled and split asunder for fear of Allah. And those examples, We profound for mankind that they may reflect.[59:21]

How Quran Is Descended?

Taught the Quran to His beloved.[55:2]

And likewise, We revealed to you a Quran in Arabic so that you may warn thereby the mother of all towns the Meccans and those who live around it and you may warn them of a Day of Assembly wherein there is no doubt. A party is in paradise and a party is in the blaze.[42:7]

And We sent down Quran in pieces so that you may read it to mankind at intervals and We sent it down gradually bit by bit.[17:106]

We relate to you the best narration, in that We revealed to you this Quran, though no doubt, you had no knowledge before.[12:3]

Say you, ‘Whose evidence is the greatest? Say you, ‘Allah is witness between you and me this Quran has been revealed to me so that with it may warn you and whomsoever it reaches.’ Then do you give this evidence that besides Allah there are other gods? Say you ‘I do not give this evidence. ‘Say you, ‘He is the only one to be worshiped and I am quit of all those, you associate with Him’.[6:19]

How Things Are Explained In Quran?

And undoubtedly, We have narrated in this Quran all types of examples for the people in order that they may take heed.[39:27]

And no doubt, We explained in this Quran variedly that they might understand. And nothing is increased in them by it but hatted. [17:41]

And undoubtedly, We have set in this Quran every kind of examples for the people. If you bring them any sign, the infidels would certainly say then, ‘you are not but on falsehood’.[30:58]

And thus We have sent down the Quran in Arabic and explained therein various ways of the torments that haply they may fear or it may generate in their hearts some thinking.[20:113]

How Different People Treated Quran?

And if We had made it a Quran in a foreign tongue, they surely would have said, Why not its verses have been made clear? What, a book in a foreign tongue and the Prophet Arabian. Say you, ‘that is a guidance and a cure for the believers.’ And those who believe not, in their ears is a plug and to them, it is blindness. They are like those. Who are called from a far-off place.[41:44]

And the Messenger said, ‘O my Lord, my people took ‘ this Quran as a thing abandoned.[25:30]

What Is Conveyed By Quran?

And this is not the attribute of this Quran, that anyone might fabricate it without being sent down by Allah, Yes it is a confirmation of the former Books and is the detailed explanation of what is written in the Table, there is no doubt in it, it is from the Lord of the worlds.[10:37]

Alif-Lam-Raa. These are the verses of a Book and of a Bright Quran.[15:1]

And no doubt, We gave you seven verses, which are being repeated. And the Grand Quran.[15:87]

And We send down in Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers, and it adds loss only to the unjust.[17:82]

And thus We have sent down the Quran in Arabic and explained therein various ways of the torments that haply they may fear or it may generate in their hearts some thinking.[20:113]

And undoubtedly, We have explained in various manners all kinds of examples in this Quran for the people. And the man is over everything most contentious.[18:54]

And undoubtedly, We have in this Quran described every kind of saying in various ways, then most of the men accepted nothing but being ungrateful.[17:89]

Undoubtedly, this Quran explains to the children of Israel most of those things in which they differ.[27:76]

And undoubtedly, We have narrated in this Quran all types of examples for the people in order that they may take heed.[39:27]

And undoubtedly, We have set in this Quran every kind of example for the people. If you bring them any sign, the infidels would certainly say then, ‘you are not but on falsehood’.[0:58]

What Is The Language Of the Quran?

The Quran is in the Arabic language wherein there is no crookedness in order that they may fear.[39:28]

This is a Book whose verses have been fully explained, an Arabic Quran for a people of understanding. [41:3]

No doubt, We have sent it down as an Arabic Quran so that you may understand.[12:2]

And if We had made it a Quran in a foreign tongue, they surely would have said, Why not its verses have been made clear? What, a book in a foreign tongue and the Prophet Arabian. Say you, ‘that is a guidance and a cure for the believers.’ And those who believe not, in their ears is a plug and to them, it is blindness. They are like those. Who are called from a far-off place. [41:44]

And likewise, We revealed to you a Quran in Arabic so that you may warn thereby the mother of all towns the Meccans and those who live around it and you may warn them of a Day of Assembly wherein there is no doubt. A party is in paradise and a party is in the blaze. [42:7]

We have sent it down an Arabic Quran that you may understand. [43:3]

And thus We have sent down the Quran in Arabic and explained therein various ways of the [20:113]

What Is The Truthness Of The Quran?

And this is not the attribute of this Quran, that anyone might fabricate it without being sent down by Allah, Yes it is a confirmation of the former Books and is the detailed explanation of what is written in the Table, there is no doubt in it, it is from the Lord of the worlds.[10:37]

Then do they not ponder in Quran and if it had been from other than Allah, then they would surely have found therein much discrepancy?[4:82]

Undoubtedly, this is an Honourable Quran. [56:77]

By this renowned Quran.[38:1]

By the wise Quran.[36:2]

But it is a glorious Quran.[85:21]

Say you, ‘if the men and Jinn all agreed together to King the like thereof, though in them one may be helper of other. [17:88]

What Happens When Quran Is Recited?

And O beloved! When you recited Quran, We placed between you and those who do not believe in the Hereafter a hidden veil.[17:45]
And We have put coverings over their hearts lest they should understand it and in their ears heaviness. And when you remember in Quran your Lord alone, they run away fuming their back hatefully. [17:46]

Who Watch When Quran Is Recited?

And you are busy in any work and recite any Quran from Him, and you perform any act, We are witnesses over you when do you commence it. And there is nothing hidden from your Lord even an atom’s weight in the earth or in heaven, and there is nothing smaller than that or greater but it is in a luminous Book. [10:61]

Which Is The Best Way TO Recite Quran?

And when the Quran is recited, hear it patiently and be silent so that you may have mercy.[7:204]

Then when you recite Quran, ask refuge of Allah from the devil (Satan) the rejected one.[16:98]

Allah is the Highest, the True King, and hasten not with Quran until its revelation is completed to you, and submit,, ‘O my Lord increase me in the knowledge! [20:114]

Or make it a little more than that and recite Quran slowly and thoughtfully.[73:4]

‘O believers! ask not such things which if disclosed to you, may displease you; and if you will ask while the Quran is descending then they would be disclosed to you. Allah has already pardoned them. And Allah is Forgiving, Forbearing. [5:101]

So, when We have already recited it follow then it’s recital.[75:18]

Which Is The Best Time To Recite Quran?

Establish prayer from declining of the sun till the darkening of the night and the Quran of the dawn. No doubt, angles are present in the Quran of the dawn.[17:78]

For Whom Quran Is A Healing And Mercy?

And We send down in Quran that which is a healing and a mercy to the believers; and it adds loss only to the unjust.[17:82]

For Whom Quran Is A Guide And A Healing?

And if We had made it a Quran in a foreign tongue, they surely would have said, Why not its verses have been made clear? What, a book in a foreign tongue and the Prophet Arabian. Say you, ‘that is a guidance and a cure for the believers.’ And those who believe not, in their ears is a plug and to them, it is blindness. They are like those. Who are called from a far-off place. [41:44]

For Whom Quran Made Easy To Understand?
And verily, We made the Quran easy for remembering, is there than anyone to remember?[54:32]

And undoubtedly, We made the Quran easy for remembering is there than anyone to remember,[54:22]

What Is A Person Without Knowledge Of the Quran?

We relate to you the best narration, in that We revealed to you this Quran, though no doubt, you had no knowledge before. [12:3]

What Do People Say About Quran?

WHO does not believe in their meeting with ALLAH

And the infidels said, ‘listen not to this Quran and make absurd noise therein, haply you may overcome.[41:26]

And when Our clear signs are recited unto them, then those who hope not to meet Us begin to say, ‘bring a Quran other than this, or alter it. Say you, ‘it is not for me to change it on my own accord. I only follow, what is revealed to me if I disobey my Lord, then I fear the torment of the great Day.[10:15]

And the infidels said why the Quran was not sent down on them all at once. We have thus sent it down gradually that We may strengthen your heart therewith and We recited it with gradual recitation.[25:32]

And the infidels said, ‘We shall never believe, in this Quran and nor in those books which were before it.’ And if you could see when the unjust will be made to stand before their Lord; they shall cast back the word one against the other, those who were pressed will say to those who were swelled with pride, ‘if you had not been, we would surely have believed.’ [34:31]

Compiled by: Suleman Subhani