“When a man dies and his relatives are busy in funeral, there stands an extremely handsome man by his head. While the dead body is shrouded, that man gets in between the shroud and the chest of the deceased. When after the burial, the people return home, 2 angels, Munkar and Nakeer(names of two special Angels), come in the grave and try to separate this handsome man so that they may be able to interrogate the dead man in privacy about his faith. But the handsome man says, “He is my companion, he is my friend. I will not leave him alone in any case. If you are appointed for interrogation, do your job. I cannot leave him until I get him admitted into Paradise”.

Thereafter he turns to his dead companion and says, “I am the Qur’an, which you used to read, sometimes in a loud voice and sometimes in a low voice. Do not worry. After the interrogation of Munkar and Nakeer, you will have no grief.” When the interrogation is over, the handsome man arranges for him from Al-Mala’ul A’laa (the angels in Heaven) silk bedding filled with musk.

Rasulullah (Sallallahu alaihe Wa-aalihi wasallam) said:

“On the Day of Judgment, before Allah, no other intercessor will have a greater status than the Qur’an, neither a Prophet nor an angel.”

Our position in Paradise is determined by the amount of Qur’an we memorize in this life! ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Amr ibn Al-‘Aas heard the Prophet (sallallaahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) saying: “It will be said to the companion of the Qur’an: Read and elevate (through the levels of the Paradise) and beautify your voice as you used to do when you were in the dunya! For verily, your position in the Paradise will be at the last verse you recite!” [Aboo Daawood and At-Tirmithee, saheeh]

There are ten rewards for each letter you recite from the Qur’an. As an authentic hadith in At-Tirmithee proves: “Whoever reads a letter from the Book of Allah, he will have a reward. And that reward will be multiplied by ten. I am not saying that “Alif, Laam, Meem” is a letter, rather I am saying that “Alif” is a letter, “laam” is a letter and “meem” is a letter.” So increase your recitation of the Qur’an to gain these merits, and to gain the following merit as well.

The benefits of memorizing Quran are infinite…. Alhamdulilah!

The Prophet (May peach be upon him) said, “Whoever takes a path seeking knowledge by it, Allah will facilitate for him a path to Paradise because of it. And indeed the angels lower their wings for the student of knowledge, pleased because of what he is seeking (knowledge). And verily those who are in the heavens and the earth, even the fish in the water, seek forgiveness for the scholar .” (Ahmad )