Rules: Sunnah In Ablution(Wudu)
Q. How is it to perform ablution (Wudu) without its intention?
A. If without the intention of ablution, one falls in the river, or one keeps standing in the rain so that water passes over all the parts which are necessary for the ablution, it will be considered that the ablution is done for saying prayers. But there will be no blessings for the ablution.
Q. How to make intention (Niyyah) for ablution (Wudu)?
A. Intention implies the making-up of one’s mind at the start of ablution; having the intention of removing impurity, and becoming clean for saying the prayers properly. Such thoughts mean ‘intention’ i.e. ‘Niyyah’ for the ablution.
Q. Is it necessary to express the intention (Niyyah) in words?
A. No, it is not necessary. However, if said in words, that too will be correct.
Q. With ablution intact, if fresh ablution is performed, what should be the ‘intention’ (Niyyah) for that?
A. The sole intention of performing ablution-over-ablution should be to enhance the blessings of Allah and to earn more benefits.
Q. Must one say the complete Tasmiah in ablution?
A. It is equally permissible to recite:
BISMIL LAHI WAL HAMDU LIL LAHI i.e., in any of the above three ways
Q. How is it to use a tooth-stick (Miswak) and what is its method?
A. Brushing the teeth with a tooth-stick (Miswak) is ‘Sunnah Mu’akkadah’ i.e. Emphasized Sunnah. It has many blessings and very many benefits. It may be had from the root of a bitter tree, or its twig e.g., Peelo’s root, or a stick from the Neem tree, not more than 8 inches in length. It should be rinsed before and after use. First brush the teeth from the right side, followed by those on the left. The teeth should be brushed thrice, using fresh water each time.
Q. What is the opinion about gargling?
A. Gargling is an act of Sunnah, both during bath and ablution It should not be done if one is Fasting. During Fasting, only rinse the mouth with a handful of water using the right hand.
Q. How to put water into the nostrils?
A. Hold water in the scooped right hand close to the nose. After this, sniff water into the nostrils (taking care not to let it reach the brain). If one is Fasting, the water should not be sniffed. Instead, it should be put into the nostrils with the hand. Gargling and sniffing water into the nostrils are both Sunnah-mu’akkadah of the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him).
Q. Which part of the beard should be combed (to do Khalal) according to the Sunnah?
A. It is Sunnah to comb (to do Khalal with fingers) the lower and middle (part) of the beard. And it is obligatory (Fard) to wash hair on the face adjoining the skin.
Q. How to comb the fingers i.e., to do Khalal of the fingers?
A. Khalal of the fingers means that the fingers of both hands should be rubbed against each other and shaken in a manner that they are interwoven. The Khalal of the toe is done by the little finger of the left hand beginning from the little toe of the right foot and ending with the little toe of the left foot.
Q. How to perform the Massah of the whole head?
A. Wet both hands, and place them on both sides of the hair at the forehead. Move both palms and fingers, to the back of the head, up to the nape. Then return hands, ensuring that the whole head is covered.
Q. Must fresh water be used for the Massah of the ears?
A. No, the water taken for the Massah of the head would do. use index finger for Massah inside the ears. The thumb should be used for the outside of the ear.
Q. Is it Sunnah or Mustahab (desirable) to start the ablution from the right side?
A. Some religious scholars hold it as Sunnah, while others regard it as desirable (Mustahab).
Q. How to perform Massah on the back of the neck (nape)?
A.The neck should be wiped with the back of fingers of both the hands. It is an innovation (Bi’dah) to do Massah on the throat.
Q. What are the other procedures in ablution?
A. There are many procedures for ablution. For example, the following are desirable:
- Putting the wet tip of the small finger into the ear holes.
- Performing ablution before the time of prayer.
- Rubbing parts of the body while washing them.
- Moving the ring on the finger.
- Refraining from gossiping about worldly affairs.
- Avoid splashing water on the face (with force).
- Not using too much water for ablution.
- Reciting Tasmiah while washing each part of the body.
- Sending Darud on the Holy Prophet (Peace be upon him) after ablution.
- Reciting Kalima of Shahadah, and reciting the following Dua after ablution:
ALLA HUMMAJ ‘ALNI MINAT-TAW-WABINA WAJ ‘ALNI MINAL MUTATAHIRIN - Drinking the left-over water of ablution while standing.
- Offering two Rakahs of prayer after ablution, known as TAHI YAT UL WUDU (Thanksgiving for the ablution), etc.
Abu Huraira (Radi Allah Anhu) reported: Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) said: When a bondsman-a Muslim or a believer-washes his face (in course of ablution), every sin he contemplated with his eyes, will be washed away from his face along with water, or with the last drop of water; when he washes his hands, every sin they wrought will be effaced from his hands with the water, or with the last drop of water; and when he washes his feet, every sin towards which his feet have walked will be washed away with the water or with the last drop of water with the result that he comes out pure from all sins. [Sahih Muslim : Book 2, Number 0475]