‘And when the ignorant address them (with bad words) they reply back peacefully.’ (25:63)

Here by a foolish person, it is meant a person who comes across as foolish even though he may be knowledgeable. The special characteristic of this servant of the All Merciful is that when he comes across an ignorant person he remains composed and answers with calmness so that he doesn’t commit a sin by offending anyone.

This special servant of Allah remains tolerant when dealing with insolent people and overlooks them, he deals with them with patience and overlooks any hostility. Rasulullah (PBUH) himself practically displayed the best character in every aspect of life. Likewise, he exhorted the Ummah to also adopt good character. Hence he would repeatedly say: “The best amongst you is the one who has the best character.” (Sahih Bukhari)

In another Hadith, Rasulullah (PBUH) is reported to have said: “There will be nothing weightier in the scales of a Believer on the day of Judgement than good character, and verily Allah detests a vulgar and foul-mouthed person.” (Tirmizi)

From the above Hadeeth, it is understood that good character has a very strong bond with Iman. It was the “sword” of good character. Rasulullah was blessed with the most excellent character. This powerful magnet drew the people to him and even his enemies fell meekly at his feet.

Good character is a comprehensive code of conduct encompassing all aspects of life for example, how should one conduct the matters that pertain to him and Allah, how should he behave with his family, how should he conduct himself in business or in social life. A good character has to be adopted in all these spheres of life. However, the bottom line of good character is that no person must be unjustly inconvenienced in any way. Rather, as far as possible suppress one’s own rights, overlook the faults of others, and be kind and good to them. Luqmaan gave the following advice to his son: “Never remember two things – Firstly, the favors that you have done for others. Secondly, the harm that others have done to you.”

One of the great predecessors has stated: “Nobody will enter Jannah on the basis of his worship since we cannot perform any action perfectly enough to be regarded as worthy of presenting in the court of Allah Ta’ala. Despite this, the Ibaadat must never be neglected since Allah, of His grace will absolve us of the obligation if we try to perform it as best we can. However, overlooking some person’s fault, and forgiving somebody, are actions upon which we can hope for the mercy of Allah .”

A simple prescription for rectifying one’s character is to adopt the advice of Hakimul Ummah. He states: “Before doing or saying anything … THINK: Will this word or action cause any inconvenience to anybody?” For instance, a perfect thing to ponder about daily in our case would be: “How have I parked my car in the Masjid parking?” Likewise think: “Am I disturbing anybody by talking aloud at this late hour of the night? Am I hurting somebody’s feelings in any way?” By making a habit of thinking first in this manner, we would become conscious of refraining from any such action and deed that may inconvenience others. May Allah adorn us with the character of Rasulullah and make us true ambassadors of Deen. Aameen.