The Manners Of Going To The Bathroom
Salmaan (ra) said, (One of) the disbelievers said to us, Verily, we see that your companion (the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam) even teaches you how to relieve yourselves. Salmaan (ra) answered him, Yes, he forbids each of us from cleaning himself (after urinating or defecating) with his right hand and from facing the Qiblah (during the act of urinating or defecating). And he prohibited the use of manure or bones (for cleaning). And he (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) said.
Let no one from you clean himself (after having a bowel movement) with less then three Stones. (Related by Muslim (262) Ahmad (23191)
It Is Disliked To Take Into The Toilet (Or Any Place That Is Commonly Used For The Same Purpose) Anything That Has The Remembrance Of Allah (swt) In It.
To preserve Allah’s Name from abuse and debasement, you should not take into the toilet anything that has the remembrance of Allah (swt) in it, unless you have a valid Islamic excuse, in which case doing so is not Makrooh (disliked). So for example, if in your pocket, you have paper money that has Allah’s Name written on it, and if you are about to enter a public washroom, you most likely have no choice but to take the money with you inside. By leaving the money outside of the washroom, you might later forget, and if the door to the washroom is on the outside of a building, the money might blow away. Furthermore, if there are other people around, there is a chance of theft. All of these reasons apply to money or to anything else that has Allah’s Name written on it.
As of a Mushaf (compy of the Quran), it is without a doubt forbidden to take it inside of a place that is regularly used as a toilet. Scholars agree on this point, though they ruled that it is permissible to take it inside if one fears that, left outside, it will be stolen. Nonetheless, a Muslim must fear (swt) and try his best to keep Allah’s Speech safe from debasement. He should try his best to find an alternative solution, such as giving the Mushaf as a trust to someone until he comes out. But if there is no alternative, then Allah (swt) does not charge a soul with more than it can bear.