Umar Ibn Al Khattab Radiallahu Taala Anhu Loves The Ahle Bayt
Hazrat Umar E Farooq is regarded Highly in the Ummah after Syaddina Abu Bakr Siddique Radi Allahu taala anhu
The Holy Prophet said If there were a prophet after me it would be Hazrat Umar E Farooq Radi Allahu taala anhu.
Following is how Hazrat Umar E Farooq regarded the Ahle Bayt
Sayaddina Umar E Farooq radiallahu taala anhu narrates how the Holy Prophet used to regard his beloved daughter
Umar bin Khattab (radiallahu taala anhu ) (also) narrates that the Holy Prophet Sallalaahu Alaihi wasallam used to say to Fatimah (radiallahu taala anhu), “(Oh Fatimah!) My mother and father be sacrificed for you.”
Shawkani said in Darr-us-sahabah fi manaqib al – qarabah was-sahabah (p. 279)
Hakim narrated it in al -Mustadrak
Umar (raadiallahu taala anhu) narrates, “I heard the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam say, ‘The family tree of the children of every woman is attributed to their father except for Fatimah’s(radiallahu tala anhu) children. I am their family and I am their father. ‘”
1. Tabarani, al -Mujam-ul-kabir (3:44#2631)
2. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadai l-us-sahabah (2:626#1070)
3. Haythami, Majma-uz-zawaid (4:224)
4. Haythami, Majma-uz-zawaid (6:301
Sayadina Umar E Farooq Radi Allahu taala anhu narrates the relationship of the five to the Holy Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam
Umar bin Khattab (radiallahu taala anhu) states, “I heard the Messenger of Allah say, ‘Except for my family and my relationship, every family and relationship will be broken on the Day of Judgement.’”
1. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:153#4684)
2. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadail -us-sahabah (2:625, 626#1069, 1070)
3. Ahmad bin Hambal narrat ed it i n Fadail -us-sahabah
(2:758#1333) through Miswar bin Makhramah as well.
4. Bazzar, al-Musnad (1:397#274)
5. Tabarani, al -Mujam-ul-kabir (3:44,45#2633, 2634)
6. Tabarani, al -Mujam-ul-awsat (5:376#5606)
7. Tabarani, al -Mujam-ul-awsat (6:357#6609)
8. Daylami, al -Fi rdaus bi mathur al -khitab (3:255#4755)
9. Maqdasi, al -Ahadith-ul -mukhtarah (1:198#102)
10. Haythami said i n Majma-uz-zawaid (9:173) Tabarani
narrated it in al-Awsat and al -Kabir and its chain of
transmitters is thiqah (trustworthy).
Once Sayiddina Umar E Farooq Radi Allahu taala anhu was said about the purified five on the Day of Judgement. and the following is what he said
Umar bin Khattab (Radhi Allahu taala anhu) narrates that the Holy Prophet(Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam) said, “Indeed, Fatima, Ali, Hasan, and Husain(may Allah be pleased with them all) will live in a white dome in Paradise. The Throne of Rahman will be its roof .”
1. Ibn Asakir, Tari kh Dimi shq al -kabi r (14:61)
2. Hindi, Kanz-ul -ummal (12:98#34167)
Sayadina Umar E Farooq Radi Allahu taala anhu Congratulated Ali Al Murtuza (radiallahu taala anhu on the Great event of Ghadeer Ul Khulm) when the Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam declared the beginning of Wilayat
“It is narrated by Bara’ bin ‘Azib(radiallahu taala anhu): We were on a journey with Allah’s Messenger. (On the way) we stayed at Ghadir Khum. There it was announced that the prayer was about to be offered. The space under two trees was cleaned for Allah’s Messenger. Then he offered the zuhr (noon) prayer, and, holding ‘Ali’s(radiallahu taala anhu) hand, he said: Don’t you know that I am even nearer than the lives of the believers? They said: Why not! He said: Don’t you know that I am even nearer than the life of every believer? They said: Why not! The narrator says that he said while holding ‘Ali’ s hand: One who has me as his master has ‘Ali as his master. O, Allah! Befriend the one who befriends him (‘Ali) and be the enemy of one who is his enemy. The narrator says that after this ‘Umar ( bin al-Khattab(radiallahu taala anhu) met ‘Ali(radiallahu taala anhu) and said to him: O Ibn Abi Talib! Congratulations, you have become the master of every male and female believer, morning and evening (forever).”
Ahmad bin Hambal related it from Bara’ bin ‘Azib through two different chains of transmission in al-Musnad (4:281);
Ibn Abi Shaybah, al-Musannaf (12:78 # 12167);
Muhib Tabari, Dhakha’irul-‘uqba fi manaqib dhawi al-qurba (p.125),
ar-Riyad-un-nadrah fi manaqib-il-‘ashrah (3:126, 127);
Hindi, Kanz-ul-‘ummal (13:133, 134 # 36420);
Ibn ‘Asakir, Tarikh Dimashq al-kabir (5:167, 168);
Ibn Athir, Asad-ul-ghabah (4:103);
and Ibn Kathir in al-Bidayah wan-nihayah (4:169; 5:464).
Note the phrase in the following hadith where Hazrat Umar E Farooq(radiallahu taala anhu) Congratulated Ali Al Murtuza (radiallahu taala anhu)
‘Umar ( bin al-Khattab(radiallahu taala anhu) met ‘Ali(radiallahu taala anhu) and said to him: O Ibn Abi Talib! Congratulations, you have become the master of every male and female believer, morning and evening (forever).”
Ahmad bin Hambal in his book Fada’il-us-sahabah (2:610 # 1042)
has added the following words in the tradition related to ‘Umar bin al-Khattab.
The Prophet said: (O Allah!) Be the enemy of one who is his (‘Ali’s) enemy, and help him who helps him, and love him who loves him. Shu‘bah says that the Prophet said in its place, “Bear malice towards him who bears malice towards (‘Ali).”
Manawi has written that when Abu Bakr and ‘Umar had heard the Prophet’s saying — One who has me as his master has ‘Ali as his master — they said to ‘Ali: O son of Abu Talib! You have become the master of every male and female believer, morning and evening (forever).”
Manawi has written in Fayd-ul-Qadir (6:217)
Dhahabi has said in Siyar a‘lam-in-nubala’ that ‘Umar uttered the words:
O ‘Ali! Congratulations
Dhahabi has said in Siyar a‘lam-in-nubala’ (2:623, 624)
“AbuHurayrah has narrated that one who fasted on 18 Dhul-hijjah will receive a reward equal to 60 months of fasting. This was the day of Ghadir Khum when the Prophet, holding ‘Ali bin Abi Talib’s hand, said: Am I not the guardian of the believers? They said: why not, O Messenger of Allah! He said: One who has me as his master has ‘Ali as his master. At this, ‘Umar bin al-Khattab said: congratulations! O Ibn Abi Talib! You are my master and (the master of ) every Muslim. (On this occasion) Allah revealed this verse: Today, I have perfected your religion for you.”
1. Qur’an (al-Ma’idah, the Table spread) 5:3.
2. Khatib Baghdadi related it in Tarikh Baghdad (8:290);
3 Wahidi,Asbab-un-nuzul (p.108); Razi, at-Tafsir-ul-kabir (11:139);
4. Ibn ‘Asakir, Tarikh Dimashq al-kabir (45:176,177); Ibn Kathir, al
Umar E Farooq Radi Allahu taala anhu Respected Hazrat Fathima radiallahu taala anhu highly
Umar bin Khattab says that he went to the house of Fatimah the daughter of the Messenger of Allah and said, “Oh Fatimah! I swear by Allah that I have not seen anyone who is dearer to the Messenger of Allah than you. I swear by Allah that nobody is dearer to me than you after your father”
1. Hakim, al-Mustadrak (3:168#4736)
2. Ibn Abi Shaybah, al -Musannaf (7:432#37045)
3. Shaybani, al -Aahad wal -mathani (5:360#2952)
4. Ahmad bin Hambal, Fadai l-us-sahabah (1:364#532)
5. Khat ib Baghdadi, Tarikh Baghdad (4:401)
Hazrat Umar E Farooq Radi Allahu taala anhu regarded Hazrat Ali radiallahu taala anhu as his Maula after the Ghadeer declaration
“It is narrated by ‘Umar that once a person had an argument with him. He said: the man sitting here will decide between you and me, and he pointed towards ‘Ali. That man said: this pot-bellied person (will decide between us)! ‘Umar rose from his seat, caught him by the collar, and lifted him from the ground. Then he said: Do you know that the person you consider worthless is my master as well as the master of every Muslim.”
1. Muhib Tabari has said in ar-Riyad-un-nadrah fi manaqib-il-‘ashrah (3:128) that Ibn Samman has documented this narration
“It is narrated by ‘Umar that two Bedouins came to him disputing with each other. He said to ‘Ali: O Abu Hasan: decide between these two. So he decided between them (and settled their dispute). One of them said: Is he the only one left to decide between us? (At this) ‘Umar moved towards him and caught him by his collar and said: May you be dead! Do you know who he is? He is my master and the master of every believer ( and) one who does not acknowledge him as his master is not a believer.”
1. Muhib Tabari has narrated this tradition in Dhakha’ir-ul-‘uqba fi manaqib dhaw-il-qurba (p.126), and says that Ibn Samman mentioned it in his book al-Muwafaqah. He also narrated it in ar-Riyad-un-nadrah fi manaqib-il-‘ashrah (3:128).
Umar said: that one who has Allah’s Messenger as his master has ‘Ali as his master.
“ Salim narrates: ‘Umar was asked why he always treated ‘Ali differently from other Companions. (At this) ‘Umar replied: Indeed that ( ‘Ali) is my master .”
1. Related by Muhib Tabari in ar-Riyad-un-nadrah fi manaqib-il-‘ashrah (3:128).
Ibn ‘Asakir narrated it in Tarikh Dimashq al-Kabir (45:178).
Few people particularly the Shia have fabricated stories about Hazrat Umar radiallahu taala anhu Slapping bibi fathimatuz zuhra radiallahu taala anhu, and other stories about him burning their houses, etc, All these are fake as you can see from these References how he regarded the Ahle Bayt, the people from the Wilayat began, The Ahle Bayt.
People should understand that there are two legacies of the Holy Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam , one is the Spiritual Legacy and saintism which continued from the Progeny of the Holy Prophet Muhammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wa Sallam, and then to Awliya.
And the other legacy is outwardly, The Legacy of Dominion which continued through the Rightly Guided Khalifas beginning from Syedina Abu Bakr Siddique Radi Allahu taala anhu
Both the legatees gave support to each other wholeheartedly
Tanveer Pasha